Yes – my column will be turning 4 in August of this year. That’s sort of like nearing 30 in Backwash years (I figure it similar to dogs – 7 for 1) so I thought I would do a little re-cap/nostalgia column. My original intention was to use this column as a fun place to vent about movies, television, nostalgia… Read more →
Tag: backwash
2005.10.30 – what if?
What would our country (the United States) be like if we hadn’t lost JFK, Martin, Bobby, Malcolm & Lennon? Would we have true equality? Would we see less of a gap between the upper class and everyone else? I feel that our country would be much more well adjusted if we didn’t have so many senseless losses of great leaders… Read more →
2005.12.23 – holiday rush part 3
So – there are 2 days until Christmas & Hanukkah! 3 until Kwanzaa. Are you ready? If not – here are a few tips to get you through these next few days and have a stress-free holiday season! – Hard to shop for friend or relative? Why not donate some cash to a charity in the name of your gift… Read more →
2006.1.26 – working things out or how we deal
A question has been forming in my head over the last few weeks. It was made crystal clear when discussed on a weekend car trip with my hubby. Is it possible for someone to be so totally ingrossed in the born again christian/organized religion dogma that they would deny their own sexuality? Would they just not notice (being such “good”… Read more →
2006.7.24 – feminist musings or the ani revelation
Over the weekend the NOW conference was held in Albany, NY. Being honoured this year with a “Woman of Courage” award was the Buffalo Folksinger, Ani Difranco. During her speech, overwhelmed by the supportive NOW audience, Ms. Difranco let a revelation loose by announcing that she is, indeed, 12 weeks pregnanat. Ani will be giving birth in February 2007, smack… Read more →
2006.8.17 – relaxation and nostalgia or how i learned to let things go
Nostalgia – the silent killer. It may not seem like something that could harm you, but beware, it is deadly. It will sneak up on you in the middle of the night and invade your dreams. Or, even worse, keep you from sleeping at all. Over the past few years I have noticed a trend in my waking life. When… Read more →
2006.11.8 – the day after – and the sky didn’t fall
The pins and needles are gone. Election night is over. Now what? The Democrats have taken control of the House and the Senate still hangs in the balance. The big story of the night, at least for feminists like myself, was the rejection of the South Dakota ballot initiative to Ban Abortion. Thank goodness that the good people of South… Read more →
2006.12.23 – holiday gift giving 2006
I realize that this year has not been one of my finest here at backwash. Although it is my 4th year, my posting frequency dwindled immensely. I have no excuse, but I will say that 2007 will be the year of turning over new leaves. Not just in my personal and professional life, but also here, at backwash. With all… Read more →
2007.9.8 – how i got here and where i’m going
2007 has been grim, at best. I’ve been so wrapped up in the day to day of this year that I totally missed my Backwash Anniversary. Yes – on the 22nd of August, I would quietly celebrated my 5 year anniversary here at the ’wash. Around that time, I started to get interested in writing again. In an attempt to… Read more →
2008.9.24 – since we are here
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an entry on my blog – rise up buffalo – about the demise of Backwash. Talking about the better days, I lamented the onset of newer technologies and how Backwash had been a jumping off point for most of the writers under it’s wing. Now I have been proven wrong. Like a phoenix from the… Read more →
2005.9.4 – disillusionment and disappointment in new orleans
Over the past five years we have had several tragedies befall citizens of the world. I cannot remember a time in my life where I have spent so many hours sitting in front of my television set in tears. In 2001, we lost many people in NYC. In 2004 we witnessed devastation and destruction in Southeast Asia. We are witness… Read more →
2005.8.22 – 3 years and counting…
today is my third anniversary here at the ‘wash and in honour of this momentous occasion i decided to do a retrospective of sorts of my personal favourites. this doesn’t mean that i am going to try to boost my own ego, but rather the egos of my favourite past and present backwashers. although this is my space to pontificate… Read more →
2005.4.18 – so much to say
i was going to talk about pop culture today. try to lighten things up, but then andrea dworkin passed away and made things ever so heavy again. it happened last saturday (9 april 2005) so i am a bit behind in my reporting, but she was important enough to warrant an entry even a few weeks after her passing. who… Read more →
2004.12.20 – the holiday rush
Back to the holiday shopping season. I realize that it is a bit past now, but for me it has really just begun. The tendancy for me is to wait until the last possible second for everything, get really really stressed out and generally catch a cold of some kind directly after Christmas that is caused by the level of… Read more →
2004.10.20 – 14 days and counting…
Yes, it is almost time to step into that polling place and cast your ballot for the next President of this great land we call the United States. It is time to put aside all the political smear campaign tactics and look at the facts. To consider the ideals and policies of each candidate and make a truly informed decision.… Read more →
2004.8.23 – subversives
Let me first say that I would like to commemorate my second anniversary here at Backwash (one day late, it was actually 22 August) by saying thank you to all of my readers. I realize that I have been hot and cold with the updates over the last six months, but I promise to get back into the swing of… Read more →
2004.7.14 – the bane of one’s existence
So, I’m back yet again and this time I’m on the Bravo television bandwagon. Yes, I have been thoroughly sucked in. Why, oh why, must Bravo have such fantabulous reality tv shows? I generally hate reality tv, but for some reason I cannot turn the channel when “Showbiz Mom’s and Dad’s”, “BlowOut” or “The Restaurant” are airing. Even if I… Read more →
2004.3.18 – urban renewal
I live in a city, so I guess you could call me an urbanite. I enjoy being around tall buildings and having the ability to walk to restaurants and night clubs. With these abilities also come problems. Our cities are in danger of extinction. The yuppies have abandoned the city to live in the suburbs and although they work and… Read more →
2004.4.22 – the earth and us
Earth Day 2004! What have you done? I would be remiss if I didn’t at least mention that today is the actual day and refer you to my column from last year – Earth Day Should Be Everyday. The fact that we should take care of our planet each and every day is something that should be second nature, but having… Read more →
2004.3.17 – spring into action!
Just around the corner is the best season of all. Yes, I am speaking of Spring. The sun starts to show up on and off for the month of March and by April it stays with us nearly everyday. Growing up in a relatively grey area of the country makes the spring even more special. The snow melts, animals come… Read more →
2004.2.4 – no coffee for you!
Aria had been serving these yuppie scum for years now and not one could remember her name. It was apparent that they didn’t give a damn about the low wages of the barista or how the beans that made their concoctions were picked by migrant farmers being paid next to nothing. None of this mattered, ofcourse, because yuppies don’t care… Read more →
2004.1.23 – that nostalgia thing
Are you a piner? One who pines? Does nostalgia overtake your existence to the point of you being unable to continue with your daily routine? Does it make you feel sad that you are living in the now, rather than the then? Hello. My name is Chantale and I am a nostalgia addict. I am addicted to the past and… Read more →
2004.1.9 – ill activism
‘Tis the season to be….sick as a dog, or cat, or some type of animal. Anything but human. Now you know the reason for my lengthy absence. I was not out having a good time, but rather in bed for several days. The best (and perhaps worst as well) part of the flu is that you are unable to go… Read more →
2003.11.18 – hug a soldier
Veteran’s Day. One of those holidays that tends to be overlooked by the population at large. If you work in a professional career you most likely had the day off. In the malls we are drawn to the idea that Veteran’s Day simply means sales. If you watch primetime television you will see at least one commercial detailing the “one… Read more →
2003.11.5 – green party blues
Another Election Day has come and gone. The Green Party had no representation in our little corner of Western New York, but that was no problem. Voting is a privilege and definitely not something to be taken lightly. Yes, I read up on the candidates before stepping into the booth this evening. It may have only been hours prior to… Read more →
2003.10.10 – a hippie on the jury
Grand Jury. Sounds like it could be exciting, right? Well, that is where you would be wrong. Finishing up a Grand Jury term this week, I feel totally drained. Indicting people is exhausting. All we really had to do was sit and listen to witness testimony and prosecutors arguments, but it was draining. Deciding the fate of another human being… Read more →
2003.9.15 – things we can do without
Now that the smoking ban in New York State is in effect I believe that it is about time we outlawed some other harmful things. First up – cellphones. These are the most annoying inventions of the modern age. The fact that every yuppie, granny and teenybopper has one makes it even worse. While serving coffee in my former employment,… Read more →
2003.8.22 – saving the music
Before I begin…I just want to say that today is officially my one year anniversary here at the ‘wash! 22 August 2002 was the day I wrote my first column and since then it has been a wild and wonderful ride. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere…I just wanted to acknowledge the milestone. It doesn’t feel like it has been… Read more →
2003.8.18 – get out there and do something!
This column is not about the inconvenience of losing power in your home. It is not about politicians who suddenly become experts on power generation and consumption the moment the lights go out. It is not about major news networks giving the exact coordinates of the New York State power grid to every individual in the world in possession of… Read more →
2003.8.5 – love canal, revisited
2 August 1978 – The New York State Commissioner of Health declares a state of emergency at the Love Canal site in Niagara Falls, New York. All pregnant women and children under two are advised to seek shelter somewhere else, if possible. The fated day. The day that we knew it was all real. That our fears had been realized.… Read more →
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