Hello lovely readers! I hope you are having a wonderful evening and are ready for some meaty material. I have been studying Christian Patriarchy, MRAs, and other misogynistic practices for a little while now and decided to write a multi-part series detailing some of the information that I have come across in my travels. So, without further ado, here is… Read more →
Tag: lgbtqqia
Pride 2018
It’s June again in America and you know what that means! Pride month! June is the month where we celebrate the strides and remember the struggles (and the folks who have sacrificed their lives) to gain equality for the LGBTQ+ community. The first weekend of the month was Pride in Buffalo and we didn’t get to attend any of the… Read more →

Be Better
We are all human beings. We live our lives the way we see fit and we move through life with different goals in mind. Some of us judge others and some of us do not. Recently, I have had several interactions with a certain dude on Facebook that is not exactly cordial, to put it very mildly. The topic of… Read more →
Girls and Boys – Perceptions Based On Sex
Note: I wrote this original post in March of 2014 – a few months before I became an Auntie. The writer and I now have a niece, Hannah, a nephew, Timmy, and another niece on the way. Although this post is old it is HIGHLY relevant. Especially right now. So – preface aside – here is my 2 year old… Read more →
Happy Harvey Milk Day!
Watch the unveiling of the Harvey Milk forever stamp here at 3pm! JOIN THE LIVE CHAT VISIT WHITEHOUSE.GOV Read more →
The Future of Feminism
The future is bright for those in the feminist movement but our work is never done. With that in mind, I feel it is a good time to put down my thoughts on the future of feminism and the next generation (are we going to call them 4th wavers?) of women and men that will keep the movement strong. One… Read more →
Good vs. Evil aka Binaries and Why They Are Not Useful
Last week, the writer and I received a note in the mail. Inside the note was a printed sheet that listed sermon notes from a service attended by a family member. The sermon was purported to be about Gender, although I would argue that it was actually about Sex, as Gender is a social construct that is carried out by… Read more →
Nice To See You! How Have You Been?
I realize that it has been almost a year since the last update here at rise up buffalo. To my readers, I am truly sorry. Life has become chock full of things to be done and this web journal had to be put on the back burner for a bit. I should have mentioned that, but sometimes life takes off… Read more →
What Is A Family?
This week, the supreme court will hear arguments to overturn both the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8. These two pieces of legislation have brought injustice to a segment of the population for many years now and it is time to end the inequality. A poll that came out this past week showed that in the 20… Read more →
2003.6.5 – the pride is on!
“Pride – In the Name of Love…” Sorry, channeling Bono for a moment. Let me switch the channel… “Celebrate good times, C’mon!” Ah, ha! Kool and the Gang is better. Getting serious now, this pride I speak of is not about music or pop culture, but rather a way of life. This weekend, we have our annual Gay Pride festival… Read more →
Equality Now!
Tomorrow will be the eighth anniversary of the writer and I “tying the knot”. Luckily, because we are of the opposite sex, we were able to secure a legal marriage with very little effort. If, in fact, we were of the same sex, we would be celebrating an eight year commitment with no legal rights between us and within… Read more →
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