When I saw the leaked draft opinion from Justice Samuel Alito, concerning the overturning of Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey, on 2 May 2022, I was stunned, but not surprised. After all, my last post on this blog, just 2 weeks before was on the topic of Bodily Autonomy. Readers here know that I have always been… Read more →
Tag: human rights
Safe Spaces
Let me start off this post by saying Black Lives Matter. I have stated this fact in many previous posts on this site, but I am not certain that I have said those three words in that order and I feel that it is important that I do so here and now. Saying Black Lives Matter is only the beginning,… Read more →

The Case For Primary Day
Last night was a lot. Super Tuesday is always a crazy day for the candidates in primary races, and for the voters who support them, but the addition of social media (specifically Twitter) and the media commentary with stations calling winners as soon as polls close made it even more frenzied. And although there are clearly two candidates pulling ahead… Read more →
How To Make Things Better
What Happened? We could have had it all. We could have had a leader that would understand our place in the world and act accordingly. A President that would have led us to a better place as a society. A President that understands America’s place in the world and would have governed accordingly. We could have had a President that cares… Read more →

Be Better
We are all human beings. We live our lives the way we see fit and we move through life with different goals in mind. Some of us judge others and some of us do not. Recently, I have had several interactions with a certain dude on Facebook that is not exactly cordial, to put it very mildly. The topic of… Read more →
New Year, New World
We all thought that 2016 was the worst year on record (and I would definitely venture to say that music-wise, it was a pretty bad year considering how many great artists we lost – Pop star deaths in 2016), but 2017 saw that disaster and raised it to extreme levels. Seriously. Is it safe to say that 2018 will be… Read more →
Topple the Patriarchy
Last week felt like a tipping point. I realize that, over the years, there have been many moments that felt this way, but last week really (REALLY) did. So, can we finally talk about sexism and the ways to combat it and change the course of our future in an open, honest, and realistic way? Is it finally time for… Read more →
Nice To See You! How Have You Been?
I realize that it has been almost a year since the last update here at rise up buffalo. To my readers, I am truly sorry. Life has become chock full of things to be done and this web journal had to be put on the back burner for a bit. I should have mentioned that, but sometimes life takes off… Read more →
2003.2.5 – children first!
In recent weeks a new advertising campaign has been unveiled across the country. On my way home from visiting my family in Niagara Falls, I passed a billboard that struck me immediately. This isn’t like any other advocacy campaign over the years. It is heart wrenching and, in all likelihood, should be effective. The first billboard shows a closet door… Read more →
Are you registered?
It is almost time to select our next president. If you are not registered yet, please use this form to do so. We need to band together and keep moving forward. Our country cannot afford four years of another Republican. We had eight years that got us to where we are and now that we are finally coming out of… Read more →
Equality Now!
Tomorrow will be the eighth anniversary of the writer and I “tying the knot”. Luckily, because we are of the opposite sex, we were able to secure a legal marriage with very little effort. If, in fact, we were of the same sex, we would be celebrating an eight year commitment with no legal rights between us and within… Read more →
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