This morning, before beginning my work day, I logged on to Twitter to check the feed. I know – I know – I probably shouldn’t log on in the morning for it could ruin my whole day, but I am just addicted to information and I needed my fix. As I scrolled through my feed, I noticed a few people… Read more →
Tag: voting
You have two choices. Would you rather live in a Christian nation or a free country? In a free country, you are free to be Christian, but in a Christian nation, only Christians are free. Let me rephrase — In a free country, everyone is free to be Christian or not, but in a Christian nation, only White, Protestant, cis, straight, affluent,… Read more →

The Case For Primary Day
Last night was a lot. Super Tuesday is always a crazy day for the candidates in primary races, and for the voters who support them, but the addition of social media (specifically Twitter) and the media commentary with stations calling winners as soon as polls close made it even more frenzied. And although there are clearly two candidates pulling ahead… Read more →
How To Make Things Better
What Happened? We could have had it all. We could have had a leader that would understand our place in the world and act accordingly. A President that would have led us to a better place as a society. A President that understands America’s place in the world and would have governed accordingly. We could have had a President that cares… Read more →
Leaving Senseless Fear Behind
Each one of us, as an individual, is a product of the environment that we were raised in. We carry with us the information that we received as children and we take that data and use it to navigate our lives. Some of us receive messages of hope and love, while others receive messages of fear and danger. For some… Read more →
Patriarchy, MRAs, and Dismantling the Current System of Oppression
Over the years, whenever straight, white, men feel threatened, they band together in groups to discuss the situation and ‘right’ the ship. See – when dudes feel like they are losing grip on the control that they have ALWAYS had over women, they freak the fuck out. This is evidenced by the backlash against moves toward gender equity in the… Read more →
2006.11.8 – the day after – and the sky didn’t fall
The pins and needles are gone. Election night is over. Now what? The Democrats have taken control of the House and the Senate still hangs in the balance. The big story of the night, at least for feminists like myself, was the rejection of the South Dakota ballot initiative to Ban Abortion. Thank goodness that the good people of South… Read more →
2004.10.20 – 14 days and counting…
Yes, it is almost time to step into that polling place and cast your ballot for the next President of this great land we call the United States. It is time to put aside all the political smear campaign tactics and look at the facts. To consider the ideals and policies of each candidate and make a truly informed decision.… Read more →
2003.11.5 – green party blues
Another Election Day has come and gone. The Green Party had no representation in our little corner of Western New York, but that was no problem. Voting is a privilege and definitely not something to be taken lightly. Yes, I read up on the candidates before stepping into the booth this evening. It may have only been hours prior to… Read more →
Are you registered?
It is almost time to select our next president. If you are not registered yet, please use this form to do so. We need to band together and keep moving forward. Our country cannot afford four years of another Republican. We had eight years that got us to where we are and now that we are finally coming out of… Read more →
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