Yesterday we marched. In large numbers, we hit the streets of the States and across the globe. We marched to show our determination and our strength. We marched to show our displeasure with the forces that be. We marched to wake up the world to the fact that America is not okay with the latest situation we find ourselves in. That despite the ramblings of our current President, and the lies that his administration will propagate to make him look like a competent leader, we are not glad to have him as our representative in the world. His politics and his hatred of all those different from him will not be tolerated by the majority of the citizens of this nation.
Yesterday I marched with the writer, my mother, my father, work friends, school friends, and 2500+ WNY residents committed to peace and justice in our time. I marched with the names of those that could not be there (but would have been had they lived to see this day) resting on my heart. I marched with thoughts of those that are still with us, but currently living under the haze of conservative values that blur their own best interests. I marched for my niece and nephew who, I hope, someday will grow up to be empathetic to all humans, not just the humans that look like them and believe in the same things they do.
Yesterday I marched, today I write, and tomorrow I get back to work. The march is not the end point, but merely the beginning. The next 100 days will be a time that tests us all, including our new President. We must hold him to the highest standards we can and keep those that seek to change the strides we have made, over the past 8 (plus 144) years, in check. We must hold their feet to the fire and insist that they keep ALL the citizens of our country and the world in mind when crafting policies. We must continue to push for inclusiveness and diversity in our institutions and work for the equality that we all deserve. We must continue to hold our own progressive organizations to an intersectional standard and consider all points of view when moving forward with our own policies. We must be better people than those that we are fighting. We must consider to march and plan and move and make change. If we fall back to sleep we could lose so much more than just an election. We could lose our ability to function in the world. We need to be vigilant and work hard. Social justice is not easy work, but it is ever necessary.
Peace and happy organizing!
Chantale (aka hippiegrrl)
Get involved!
League of Women Voters of Buffalo Niagara
WNY Women’s Foundation
American Association of University Women – Buffalo Branch
Coalition for Economic Justice
People United for Sustainable Housing
Pride Center of WNY
Spectrum Transgender Group of WNY
Citizen Action NY
WNY Peace Center
Occupy Buffalo
New York Civil Liberties Union
hippiegrrl activism page – Soon to be updated!